‘Learning to Labor, Remembering to Resist’
Print Media and Installations by Dylan Miner
University Art Gallery | Saginaw Valley State University
15 February – 06 March 2010
I just finished installing some new work at SVSU, a primarily working-class teaching university in Michigan. Using Paul E. Willis’ famous book about educating working-class kids as point of reference (Learning to Labor), the work explores the state of Michigan’s economic future by investigating local cultural practices. As a Michigander, I turned to different sites of education, particularly those sites where masculinity are commonly taught (such as an ice fishing shanty and deer stand), to re-think ways we may use these spaces and sites of radical pedagogy. I also threw in some references to hockey and sport, the IWW, and the usual prints.
I’d love to hear what you think about the work!!

Your show looks great. Thanks for posting so many photos. This exhibition seems to really encapsulate your practice of research, studio arts, and activism.
Last night in Chicago, I took part in a discussion at UIC with Temporary Services about the Art Work publication and one point that was brought up is that the US public has really negated its labor history and identity. The issue of class or a class-based society is rarely discussed or mentioned.
The idea of labor solidarity and working class culture has really been buried in today’s corporate climate and it is great to see your work in addressing these vital issues.
The gallery show looks great but it would also be good to see this work in a more public setting. Galleries can house great exhibitions, but far too few of people see them. Be cool to see some of your images in the street. Detroit US Social Forum/AMC project?