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LISTEN: How Artists Are Fighting Anti-Migrant Hate

July 18, 2011

There has never been a movement for social change without art and culture being central to that movement. Music, graphics and the written word are powerful living reminders of struggles for worldwide peace and justice. When it comes to immigrants, much of the public dialogue is laced with myths, stereotypes, hate and fear of the unknown. But there is tremendous power in using human stories to give fresh dimensions on reality and dynamically reframe the immigration debate while stirring emotional resonance in people. Art can play in key role in sharing these stories.
In a recent session at Netroots Nation, I organized a panel with Ken Chen of the Asian American Writer’s Workshop, Gaby Pacheco of the Trail of Dreams, and Javier Gonzalez of The Sound Strike. We discussed how a growing movement of writers, artists and musicians around the country are advancing cultural organizing and building a cultural, pro-migrant front.

Educate, Agitate, Inspire: How Artists are Fighting Anti-migrant Hate by FFFAward
