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Machine-Animal Destructo-Mat

January 8, 2009

The amount of time and energy put into the development of new methods of destroying all life never fails to impress. The contemporary trend of biomimicry in industrial design produces a lot of unintentionally hilarious/nauseating machines that emulate the structures and methods found in the natural world, while at the same time having only one function, namely the annihilation of the aforementioned world. Check this shit out: the TIMBERJACK!
There’s a certain insight available into the tangled economic logic underpinning industrial world-destruction available through images and video of these machines. Notice that the precision of the Timberjack’s stepping mechanism is so lovingly described…if it were to sense a rare orchid below its ten-ton tread, lo! It would pull the offending limb away and whisper a prayer of thanks to Gaia for her wisdom. And then the process of ripping the forest down and shredding it would continue. I imagine a little cartoon bluebird perched on the Timberjack, trilling a happy song!

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