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MALAS NOTICIAS / BAD NEWS: Diseño para la solidaridad

February 28, 2005

The folks from Un Mundo Feliz who particpated in the NoRNC Poster Project sent us this call for artwork.
See their NoRNC poster here.

Malas Noticias

Diseño para la solidaridad
Design for solidarity

From the 8th to the 11th of March, Madrid welcomes an international summit on “Democracy and Terrorism”, in honor of the first anniversary of 11M. We would like to take advantage of this international event so that designers from different countries and cultures contribute their views and personal opinions regarding this subject. We have created a virtual gallery and would like to display in different spaces throughout the city with all the works that we receive.
This is a project for the creation and free distribution of graphic material against terrorism and supporting the victims, on the first anniversary of the 11M terrorist attack in Madrid.
This project intends to be a public design forum for the creation of images that express points of view on terrorism and promote public debate.
Bad news/ design for solidarity wants to be a symbol for democratic response and citizen participation, on behalf of designers, against terrorism on the first anniversary of the 11M.
The project is conceived as a space that is open to designers all over the world and comes forth parallel to the conference on “Democracy and Terrorism” that will be celebrated in Madrid in February of 2005.
Bad News/ Design for Solidarity hopes to be a symbol for international solidarity against terrorism. For this we need for you to contribute with your creativity and talent.
Bad News/ Design for Solidarity
This is a gallery for activism, with free domain usage without commercial intentions.
1. Submit your work:
– Files must be provided as PDF, TIF, JPG only
– Preferably DIN A4, A3…
300 dpi Resolution for printed images (that should be no bigger than 4.5 MB)
– 72 dpi Resolution for online images
– Please consider the possibility of using vectorial images and texts converted to paths (vector), since this will allow for better quality and versaility.
2. Send your work to: love[at] with the information you deem important.
(C) 2005 Un mundo feliz /a happy world production against terrorism


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