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Meredith Stern lives in Providence, Rhode Island and is a member of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative. Clay, dirt, linoleum, and wood are all materials she sculpts with her hands. She plays drums with Hilary Jones and Reba Mitchell in a feminist band called Whore Paint. Her work has been published in several books including Realizing the Impossible, Celebrate People’s History: The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution, and Reproduce and Revolt.
The piece: Hear Me Roar was created through collaboration with Gina Glantz, whose writing is included in this project. The words are from Helen Reddy’s song from 1971 titled “I am Woman.” The song is a perfect call to arms for those of us struggling to live with inequality. Currently men dominate the conversation and lead the legislation which prevents us from accessing reproductive and gender justice. The central character in the image is meant to read as femme and if you take a close look, her Adam’s apple is visible. Sisterhood is transcendent and is not limited to gender identity, sexuality, or any other social construct.