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No REDD Papers, vol. 1

November 25, 2011

I recently designed a new pamphlet about the failures of REDD, the UN’s current carbon trading scheme. It is called No REDD Papers, vol. 1, was edited by Hallie Boas, with art direction from Justseeds’ member Mazatl, and design by me (Josh MacPhee), and it is going to be mass distributed at the upcoming climate conference in Durban, South Africa. A print edition is being produced by Eberhardt Press, and a free downloadable PDF is available HERE. It includes over a dozen articles about the environmental impact of REDD, with illustrations by a half dozen Justseeds artists, including Melanie Cervantes, Erik Ruin, Pete Yahnke, Roger Peet, and Favianna Rodriguez.

Anti-capitalismEnvironment & ClimateIndigenous ResistanceSocial Movements

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