Here’s Interference Archive’s youngest volunteer (and Justseeds’ newest sprout) Asa Michigan MacPhee showing off the awesome new book/catalog that came out of the “Our Comics, Ourselves: Identity, Expression, and Representation in Comic Art” exhibition at the Archive. You can get your very own copy to roll around with on Justseeds right here. Anyone interested in comics and politics should definitely check it out. It’s jammed with full color images and great contributions from Elvis B., Paul Buhle, Leela Corman, Jan Descartes, Edie Fake, William H. Foster III, Ganzeer, Nils Hanczar, John Jennings, Sandy Jimenez, Monica Johnson, Sabrina Jones, Jay Odjick, AK Summers, and Sophie Yanow.
Our Comics, Ourselves book available now!
February 12, 2016
What open hours shift is this “new” volunteer picking up?!
Right now he is only looking cute on a volunteer-basis. All other work he’s looking to get paid for.