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Press Roundup, December 2010

December 18, 2010

Some great recent press:
1) Peter Linebaugh does a duel review of Signs of Change and Celebrate People’s History for Counterpunch HERE. It’s a great long-format review, and well worth reading in it’s own right. He says Signs of Change is “explosive in its educational impact because of the full, eager, colorful, passionate page designs,” and calls it “a massive and beautiful work.” !!!
Of Celebrate People’s History he says it contains (and shares with Zinn) “an optimistic spirit, skepticism to conventional ideas, a dogged search for the forgotten men and women, and a denunciation at once classic and fresh of that class of people, the possessioners, who control the money, the land, the arms, the images, the knowledge, and the capital of the USA.”
2) Publishers Weekly writes up Signs of Change and Celebrate People’s History, read it HERE.
3) MRZine and the Creative-I blog call Celebrate People’s History “beautiful and politically invigorating.” Read more HERE.
4) The good folks at Last Hours in London have posted a nice review of Signal:01, calling it “a vital, fascinating and relevant history of politically antagonistic graphics, illustration and printmaking.” Read the rest HERE.


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