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Brandon Bauer


Crass (1977-1984) was a group of artists, activists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians that banded together using punk as a resistant cultural form for the promotion of anarchism as a political ideology—a way of living as a resistance movement. Crass was one of the earliest proponents of the anarcho-punk movement and created a distinctive and often referenced graphic aesthetic that is to this day an internationally recognized hallmark of anarcho-punk. Crass advocated direct action, animal rights and environmentalism, feminism, anti-racism, and were decidedly antiwar. They advocated a do-it-yourself approach producing agitational sound collages, graphics, albums, and films as well as stenciled graffiti messages around London, coordinated squats, and organized political action.

"The nature of our oppression is the aesthetic of our anger."

Second printing, printed at the worker-owned and union-run Community Printers, Santa Cruz, CA.

This is #69 in the Celebrate People’s History Poster Series.

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