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Global Climate Strike



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From September 20th through 27th, 2019 a record number of people took to the streets in the largest climate mobilization in history. Organizers of the Global Climate Strike noted, "From Jakarta to New York, Karachi to Amman, Berlin to Kampala, Istanbul to Québec, Guadalajara to Asunción, in big cities and small villages, millions of people joined hands and raised their voices in defense of the climate. The Global Climate Strike shows that we have the people power we need to create a just world and end the era of fossil fuels.” In Chicago, where I live, students walked out of classes and workers walked off the job to join climate activists in the streets. Ahead of the main march several labor groups including Warehouse Workers For Justice rallied outside Amazon's downtown offices in support of Amazon workers who walked off the job to demand action on climate change. This print was inspired by those students and workers leading the fight for climate justice.

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