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Highlander Folk School

Lindsay Starbuck


This Celebrate People’s History poster celebrates the role of the Highlander Folk School. The School was extremely important in the behind the scenes organizing and training for the civil rights struggle of the 50’s and 60’s in the US South.

Printed at the worker-owned Stumptown Printers, Portland, OR.

A postcard version of poster #29 in the Celebrate People’s History Series.

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Art for the People

Art for the People

May 1, 2024

…Our panel on Saturday morning “Art for the People: Sustaining Community Practices from the 60s to the Future,” was composed of Diane Fujino, a. e. hunt, Justseeds artists: Kill Joy, Jess X. Snow, and (myself) Saiyare Refaei, and moderated by Chad Shomura. We wanted to share living proof of how radical collective imagination shows up in the art and cinema within social movements…