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Hold Fast


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This print is made with the movements in Wisconsin, Egypt, and Occupy (or (un)occupy depending on your location) Wall Street in mind. What seems most interesting to me in the (un)Occupy movement has been seeing people physically getting together and attempting to dialogue in a non-heirarchical manner. While following all these exciting movements on the internet via social media has been useful for people all over the world I find it refreshing that physical people taking over physical space makes such an impact.

This is a screen print from the original linoleum block print with rubylith cut lettering. The lettering on this print has wide variation in ink coverage, often giving the effect of old wood type, this is intentional.

signed/edition of 40

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A Time of Expectant Hopes

A Time of Expectant Hopes

October 24, 2019

“A Time of Expectant Hopes,” a collaboration between Pete Railand and Jenna Valoe, including works inspired by 19th century union banners, suffragist banners, and modern day activist banners. Opening Friday…