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Imaging Apartheid: The Uprooting Of The Olive Trees

Jamaa Al-Yad Collective


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"Always remain standing no matter what happens."

This design is part of a poster series originally published in a Lebanese newsprint periodical documenting the crimes and criminals of apartheid Palestine. The theme involved daily life in Palestine, with references to those profiting from the occupation of Palestine. Lebanese proverbs are used to show solidarity and speak metaphorically of the eventual triumph of justice.

Jamaa al-Yad, an artists' collective located in Beirut, Lebanon. Their basic working premises involve the inherent unity of theory and practice; a belief that action is the equivalent of thought; and that any and all actions presage or weigh toward future manifestations and actions. We describe ourselves in our bylaws and charter in the following way: Jamaa al-Yad is a cultural association the aim of which is the research, implementation, dissemination, and re-establishment of various cultural manifestations including but not limited to craft, design, and art, by focusing on the local, vernacular, indigenous, and popular, using methodologies and means that ideologically reflect models of collaboration, co-operation, and communality, in the belief that such works and such actions are historically shown to, and continue to be likely to, bring about beneficial social change and a betterment of the commonweal.

For more info and posters see the Imaging Apartheid project page.