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It’ll Be a Great Day

War Resisters League


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A classic poster from the War Resisters League vaults. A child's drawing is accompanied by the text: "It'll be a great day when our day care centers have all the money they need and the navy has to hold a bake sale to buy battleships."

There is a still a poster in circulation with this text on it and a saturated photo of kids playing on a playground dome, but this poster seems much more scarce. It was printed at Tower Press, I suspect in the early 1980s. The International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam has a copy of this poster, which is undated, but they attribute the design to B. K. Guillet, the name written in the top left corner. I am still unsure if that means Guillet is the illustrator as well.

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Art for the People

May 1, 2024

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