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Nothing Burns Down By Itself

We Are The Crisis


A concept inspired by the Chumbawumba song “Give the Anarchist a Cigarette” and all the pushing back that happens worldwide. Original collaboratively designed, with my comrade Irina Arellano Weiss, under the name We Are The Crisis in 2012.

This edition is all screenprinted by Jesse Purcell at Repetitive Press. Available in two sizes: small and large!





February 16, 2023

Handmade sign made of different colored tape providing directions away from a residential area to state roads.

Gratitude for Nail Houses

Gratitude for Nail Houses

November 10, 2022

We think sometimes that cities are defined by their castles and towers, their highways and skyscrapers. But they are also defined by their exceptions: their nail houses and holdouts, scavenged…