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Perspectives on Anarchist Theory v.14 n.1

Institute for Anarchist Studies

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The in-house journal for the Institute for Anarchist Studies. This issue focuses on Care. The following articles are included:

  • "Home is Where Our Hearts Are" by Heidi Whipple, Taran Connelly, and Kari Koch
  • "Alternatives to EMS" by Rosehip Medic Collective
  • "Peer Support and Mental Health" by Julia Smedley
  • "Class and Health: Community Acupuncture" by Paul Messersmith-Glavin
  • "To Care is to Struggle" by Kevin Van Meter
  • "There is No Good Faith: The Green Economy, Climate Change, and Reimagining Social Movements" by Kari Koch
  • "Without Delusion: Rethinking Both Self and Determination" by Joshua Stephens
  • Review: Books on Occupy’s Eternal Now by Maia Ramnath
  • Review: Legacies of Liberation: Love and Struggle and Truth and Revolution by Geoff Mc
  • Review: “Not Just Warming Ourselves With Their Memory”—the Power of
  • Social Movements by Stina Soderling
  • Review: Caring Too Much to Care Any Longer by Britt Parrot
  • "Remembering Joel Olson" by Joe Lowndes

This issue has covers and insides designed by Josh MacPhee and printed by the IWW printshop P&L in Denver.

(Because of delays, this issue changed from being v13 n2, to v14 n1. But the cover still carries the old issue number. There is no other v.13 n.2, it is one and the same with v.14 n.1)


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