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There is an education crisis looming for Latinos, the nation’s largest and most rapidly growing ethnic group. In 2010, the Pew Hispanic Center reported that 41% of Hispanic adults age 20 and older in the United States do not have a regular high school diploma, compared with 23% of black adults and 14% of white adults.

This means, simply, that the fastest growing youth population faces the risk of also being the most uneducated, posing a problem not just for Latinos, but for the entire country. I developed this poster to address this education crisis.

The piece celebrates the great value that Latino families place on education. The young man on the left is recreating indigenous Inca bird icons as he imagines the many possibilities for his future. In the center, a mother teaches her daughter about Caribbean indigenous history. On the right, a high school student proudly graduates and is committed to social justice. The background demonstrates the various milestones in a young person’s education.