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Rivers Connect Us All



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This print was inspired by the fight to save Coos Bay and the over 400 waterways that the Jordan Cove LNG pipeline would have crossed.  The victory against Pembina was won in 2021 when they formally withdrew their request for a permit after large scale community pushback.  At a rally in Salem, Oregon I was inspired by Karuk/Yurok activist Brook Thompson who said "We are all downriver people at some point"  May we continue to protect the sacred waters on this earth and all the creatures who depend on them.

Image Description:  Light blue background with a dark green translucent map of the Coos Bay coastline in Southern Oregon laid over a forearm and hand reaching out. Hot pink salmon are swimming towards the hand. One large Salmon jumps across a yellow sun. The words in the upper part of the poster are "Rivers Connect Us All" in bright yellow.  In the bottom right corner there is a quote from activist Brook Thompson "The effects of pollution do not stop at state lines or borders, and will not stop with this generation. We are all downriver people at some point, and we, as a voice for the land, must prevent the harm at its source.”

Posts by Sarah Farahat