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The Adventures of Dorrit Little #1

Monica Johnson

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In this beautifully-produced comic, Monica Johnson's Dorrit is working a dead-end job to pay off her exorbitant student loans. "Was college worth it?" she wonders, channeling the worries of a generation of educated millennials torn between the dream of the economic landscape of the past and the reality of making espresso for a living. The Adventures of Dorrit Little is not just a graphic unpacking of the student debt crisis, but a meditation on work, family, and what it means to earn a living in current times.


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Art for the People

Art for the People

May 1, 2024

…Our panel on Saturday morning “Art for the People: Sustaining Community Practices from the 60s to the Future,” was composed of Diane Fujino, a. e. hunt, Justseeds artists: Kill Joy, Jess X. Snow, and (myself) Saiyare Refaei, and moderated by Chad Shomura. We wanted to share living proof of how radical collective imagination shows up in the art and cinema within social movements…