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Out of Stock

Out of stock

This year we have a global pandemic, and for a fleeting time we had the rare opportunity to put a progressive democratic socialist into the presidency. Unfortunately this is no longer the case.

However, this November it's not just about voting "blue" or "red" - it's about who will hold the office that possibly replaces the amazing RBG on the Supreme Court. It's about who will be replacing federal judges all around the country. It's about who will be determining whether we have freedom of movement between borders. It's about evicting a narcissist who is endangering all of our lives, with racist policies like separating children from their parents at the border, who is endangering the lives of anyone who is housing insecure, or currently incarcerated, and our elderly mentors and family members.

The last four years have been riddled with blatantly racist, classist, sexist, transphobic policies. Imagine that another four years would be more than twice as bad. Let's join together, to continue to work towards a movement of the people, but in this moment, I believe we must also vote for the lesser of the two evils. Also, there are local elections where we can make changes as well.

This is a one color linocut print of a black cat with her claws out encouraging us all to VOTE!

Up In Arms Design Exhibition

Up In Arms Design Exhibition

September 15, 2023

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Bread and Puppet Theater Hiring

Bread and Puppet Theater Hiring

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