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Women’s Encampment for a Future of Peace & Justice

unattributed artist


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We're very excited to be able to share these amazing archival posters from the 1983 Seneca Falls Women's Encampment. Organized by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Catholics against Nuclear Arms, the War Resisters League, Women Strike for Peace, Women’s Pentagon Action, Rochester Peace and Justice, the Upstate Feminist Peace Alliance, and others, this camp was inspired by a series of international women's anti-nuclear encampments and occupations, the most well-known being Greenham Common in the UK.

The poster was printed at Tower Press. The complete text reads, "To Stop The Cruise & Pershing / Missile Deployment In Europe / Women's Encampment / Join In For A Day... A Week... A Month... / For A Future / Of Peace & Justice / July 4 - Sept.6 At Seneca Army Depot. N.Y."

ATTENTION: These posters are over 30-years-old. Although they are in overall great condition, they may have some worn or faded edges and small corner bends.