email me at shaun (at) justseeds (dot) org
(I didn’t design the Indiana Farmers penny above, it’s just an example from my collection)
email me at shaun (at) justseeds (dot) org
(I didn’t design the Indiana Farmers penny above, it’s just an example from my collection)
PM Press and Working Class History are fundraising to launch a new graphic novel about the West Virginia Mine Wars!
“We were still educating. We were showing our kids how to stand up for themselves to a bully.”
If “the strike was broken” every time you read about a worker’s struggle that happened on the soil you’re standing on, you might begin to think that every strike has always been broken, and the horizon of collective action and potential for true solidarity might seem like an ideological fantasy…
The West Virginia Mine Wars Museum just dropped this video documenting their new project creating two public monuments to the Battle of Blair Mountain!
Shaun, do you have any ballpark figures for the money necessary to make it happen?
It depends on if we built the entire thing ourselves, bought a pre-existing machine, or worked with a company that currently manages these machines in museums, etc (I’ve explored all of these to some degree). The first option is the most expensive, last time we applied for funding (3 years ago) it was for around $3000
Have you considered a Kickstarter fund for this? I bet it would be very popular. I really like the idea a lot and am very curious about that penny from Indiana (where I am from).
That Indiana penny was from a rest stop I think, at least that’s where I usually find these things. I always worry there’s too many Kickstarter projects in the world…
There are tons of Kickstarter campaigns, but it seems to be funding even more things than before. Kickstarter is aware of all the activity and how one could get lost in it and have developed some strategies for helping guide people to things they would like to support. I think your project would do well and is a lot better than so many of the crappy things on Kickstarter at the moment.
I never thought I’d suggest someone to put up a Kickstarter site, but you definitely should. Even if it’s for a bit less than you need, the exposure could potentially lead you to other funding (and I’d definitely chip into this kickstarter!)
I really think that if you were able to get some funds for a crude machine (say one image), it would be easy to get funding to elaborate on the idea.