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Show Posters

January 14, 2011

Looking through my files of prints I realized that there is this whole set of handmade prints that don’t make it onto the store, but may nonetheless be interesting- – show posters. Announcements of community events; whether they be for a protest or a punk show, public announcements are one of my favorite aspects of printing. A call to the masses to come together to celebrate something fun. We are inundated with ridiculous posters and billboards all the time, to buy products, to sell our junky car, or ugly house, or to buy a new cancer causing product like a telephone or computer. But the true beauty of art on the street can be found in many art forms, from the political sloganeering, to graffiti and tagging, to the posters announcing a public event.
I hope this will inspire a thread of posters by other justseeds artists as well- so many of us have our printmaking roots in street art of many forms, including posters for punk shows.

so, here is a selection of some of these posters.
The New Bloods/ Fucking Ocean poster and the Microcosm Tour/ Screaming Females poster were collaborations between Mike “hotsauce” Stoltz and myself. The two port-o-party posters (the koala bear and the howling wolf) were collaborations with my sweetheart Peter Glantz.All others are show announcements I made for AS220 (the art space where I currently book shows). Enjoy~!












4 comments on “Show Posters”

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