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A couple of weeks ago the AFL-CIO, the largest remaining union in the US, held its annual convention in Los Angeles. The centerpiece of the convention hall was a structure…
Yup, I’m in Iowa City for a week, doing a bunch of events, and I’d love it if anyone in the area wants to swing by and say “hello” at…
A couple weeks back, I participated in “Crowdsourced”, an exhibition organized by Robert Razcka at SPACE here in Pittsburgh. Robert has been doing these time-restricted projects for about ten years…
Culture about resistance, resistance cultural production! Check out this video by Twice Thou about resistance to Bank of America Foreclosures.
Perusing the ol’ Hark! a Vagrant tumblr yesterday I came across this absolutely marvelous video by Miss Persia and Daddie$ Pla$tic for a song called Google Google Apps Apps. I…
Hannah Dobbz is the Pittsburgh-based author of Nine-Tenths of the Law: Property and Resistance in the United States (AK Press), an effort at framing a new understanding of what it…
“History is not the past. It is the stories that we tell about the past. How we tell these stories – triumphantly, self-critically, metaphysically, or dialectically – has a lot…
My long-time friend Chris (from London’s 56A Infoshop) travels a fair amount, and sometimes sends me pictures of political street art he finds along the way. I just got a…
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