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On December 4, 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. announced plans for a Poor People’s Campaign and called for the nation to take dramatic steps to end poverty. In…
Submedia has a new episode form their series Trouble. Check it out Older generations never tire of reminding youth that the years they spend on college or university campus are…
Evict The Trumps Manhattan, NY, November 5, 2017
Bath, ME
People Over Profit Gowanus Brooklyn, November 17, 2017 A standard anti-capitalist value that one would hope proliferates in the world.
Shit makes the flower grow. Compost Condos East Williamsburg, Brooklyn. September 2014.
Here is a recent article by Virginia Small on ReciproCity – a Milwaukee-based project that combines art, community engagement, and urban farming and is best known for turning three-empty city…
America is Fucked, Yeah! WAR 4-EVER PLEASE On a very active wall under the elevated train in, Long Island City, Queens. April 2017.
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