Hi Everyone! This year’s election will radically transform many people’s political activity, but defending what we have and fighting for change is not just a reaction to the current regime. We’re in it for the long haul, which means that our work has to be rooted in deep, transformative cultural practices that sustain us – including the visual and graphic landscape that we surround ourselves with. This is why the Justseeds Artists Cooperative has come together to offer another year of Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative Community Supported Art.
What would you say to powerful and inspirational political artworks showing up in your mailbox throughout the year? Just like the CSAs that deliver fresh vegetables to your doorstep, Community Supported Art will provide you with fresh and exciting new art for every month of the year. Subscribers are helping Justseeds build capacity, assisting the work we do in support of social and environmental movements- and getting twelve exclusive original prints! By subscribing to Justseeds Community Supported Art you will receive 12 original prints from 12 different Justseeds Artists. CSA members will have three new prints shipped to their house in January, April, July, and October.
Given the escalation of struggles over pipelines, fracking, and tar sands, the upsurge of resistance by Indigenous earth and water protectors at Standing Rock and in Idle No More, and the ominous threats of the new US regime, our theme for 2017’s Justseeds CSA will be “Earth Protectors: Global Movements against Climate Change.” We hope to illuminate and amplify the voices of those struggles in this project, and in the rest of the work that we do.
Become a member today! We appreciate your support. Please share this with your friends and networks! Check out some of last year’s prints below.