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These people are in a state of shock because:

October 3, 2009





These people are in a state of shock because:
A. They lost their jobs.
B. The US is still fighting a war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
C. The Democrats dropped privacy protection in the PATRIOT Act revision.
D. The Pittsburgh Police Department’s use of sound cannons during the G-20 protests.
E. They read one of Roger’s Justseeds blog posts about extinction.
F. Chicago lost its bid to host the Olympics.
G. Justseeds refused to provide art for a backdrop for Drew Barrymore’s film “Whip It” despite their generous offer of paying us $75.
And the answer is………………………………………………………………


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5 comments on “These people are in a state of shock because:”

Art to End Fossil Fuels

Art to End Fossil Fuels

September 12, 2023

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