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“To Immigrants, With Love” mural

September 10, 2017

Jess Chen and Roger Peet collaborated on an illustration early this year for a campaign entitled To Immigrants, With Love- an outreach and letter-writing effort designed to breach the feelings of isolation that many immigrant individuals and families experience, in their daily dealings with the US’ suffocating climate of xenophobia. The good people at Galeria de la Raza in San Francisco recently approached us with a request to turn the graphic into a billboard to fill the rotating space on the sidewalk outside their iconic Mission District location. The installation was being prepared right as Trump’s DACA action hit, and we were able to insert some last minute language addressing that to the image.

Here’s the artist statement for the image: “Though borders continue to divide immigrant families we wanted to create an image that highlights the unbreakable love and bravery that holds migrant families together before and after their arrival to the US. Our migration is natural. It is an ancient 4-billion year old magic that descended from birds and pterodactyls. It is unstoppable by all borders or legislation. We are here to stay.”

Read more about the vital and impressive programming of Galeria de la Raza and their 47 year history of curation in the Mission at their website.

Culture & MediaGlobal SolidarityMigrationSocial Movements

2 comments on ““To Immigrants, With Love” mural”

Hi! I’m with a group of women who are organizing visits to the detainment centers and foster homes where detained kids are being kept. This week we’re asking folks to call DHS and ORR in support of immigrants, and I needed an image to go with promos. I used your art; I hope that is OK! I gave you Roger and JustSeeds credit and linked back to here.

Here’s the context:

Hi there,

I’m thinking of commissioning a humble mural along on ugly cement wall that runs at the rear of my backyard. It’s a 5’x50′ canvas and I’m looking to collaborate with local artists of color on a joyful, natured, social justice theme.

I heard that you might know some peeps that may be up for something like this? Thx for any help you can lend.

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