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Xylo’s latest street work

July 10, 2010


While in London for the Anarchist Bookfair last year I got to meet a smart new street artist named Xylo. In a city where street art had gone just as commercial as NYC, it was refreshing to run into his work, whether it was critiques of the cctv system or “Lost Animal” flyers for endangered frogs. His latest work is a commentary on the recent rash of suicides in the tech manufacturing sector of China (more info HERE), a series of old iphone/ipods with small scale stencils on them. Check out more of his work HERE.



2 comments on “Xylo’s latest street work”

I agree this is some powerful stuff. It’s a throwback as far as street art goes. I’m looking to get more exposed to street art now because of these pieces.

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