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La Persistencia de los Sueños/The Persistence of Dreams

Interference Archive

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La Persistencia de los Sueños/The Persistence of Dreams is a bilingual retrospective of the work of the Mexico City graphics collective Sublevarte. Sublevarte Colectivo, a group born of the 1999 student strikes in Mexico City, worked with Interference Archive to produce this retrospective collection of their thirteen years of graphic production. This booklet was produced to accompany their exhibition at Interference Archive, but stands alone as a document of their work.

Sublevarte Colectivo believes that the graphic arts should be a vehicle of expression and communication in society, and that these days the power of the visual image is stronger than words. They have brought this vision to their work with the Zapatistas, the flower sellers of Atenco, the striking teachers of Oaxaca, and dozens of other social struggles in Mexico.

”Our world is a space to express dreams and reality. We believe in an organization that is active every day and never gives up. Each line, color, and shape frame our destiny and the world we wish to create.”

This is Interference Document 5, part of a series of publications coming out of the collection at and work out of Interference Archive.

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