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Tales from Inside the U.S. Gitmo

Tales from Inside the U.S. Gitmo

June 14, 2009

Daniel McGowen recently had a GREAT piece published on the Huffington Post blog about the new Communications Management Units in US prisons. It’s a must read, check it out here.

Teaching Copyright

Teaching Copyright

June 1, 2009

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has recently launched a website, called Teaching Copyright, helping educators and others mentor youth about their activity online. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about…

What is a Pirate?

What is a Pirate?

April 20, 2009

A friend told me about this artist Knaan, a Somali-Canadian who recently made this video. I found his work and political views to be really provocative and interesting. He was…

No More Jaguars

No More Jaguars

April 8, 2009

That’s all, folks! The last Jaguar in the United States has been killed. The beast in question, a sixteen year old male named “Macho B”, was euthanized by state biologists…

Our Spring Break

Our Spring Break

March 13, 2009

I was listening to Democracy Now! yesterday and heard mention of this anti-war campaign: Our Spring Break is a student and youth initiated and led alternative spring break. It is…

The Pirate Bay on Trial!

The Pirate Bay on Trial!

March 11, 2009

The fight over intellectual property rights, and the demand to keep our ideas in the commons, is one of the most important struggles we face. The Pirate Bay, the world’s…

More Fairey Blues

More Fairey Blues

March 10, 2009

Friends in Pittsburgh recently sent along an article from the Pittsburgh City Paper about Shepard Fairey sending a cease and desist letter and threatening to sue a local designer. Once…