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Abu Ghraib Art Contest?

Abu Ghraib Art Contest?

December 7, 2007

As if the war in Iraq wasn’t surreal and fucked up enough already (with televised “victory” events before the real war even started, mass public spectacles like the tearing down…

Vieques Radio

Vieques Radio

October 8, 2007

This came in the other day from The Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, who were instrumental in the fight to get the US to stop bombing the…

The NAFTA Effect

The NAFTA Effect

November 22, 2006

In October members of THINK AGAIN did some large-scale projections in Los Angeles for a project was called “The NAFTA Effect” organized by Outpost for Contemporary Art. THINK AGAIN’s mobile…

Philadelphia Murals

Philadelphia Murals

January 2, 2006

The Washington Post had a nice article a few days back on Philadelphia’s extraordinary public murals: White-haired Marian Custus peers out her door where a row of elegant townhouses once…

Free speech online

Free speech online

November 21, 2005

I don’t usually write about this type of thing on this site, but a good portion of my non-art attention is devoted to civil liberties, online privacy, open-source technology, etc….

Long Live Borf!

Long Live Borf!

July 14, 2005

The big news in the street art world this morning comes from Washington, D.C., where three people, allegedly Borf and two friends, were arrested early yesterday morning. The Washington Post,…

Only in America

Only in America

February 21, 2005

In Detroit, an artist will go to jail today. His crime? Recreating a Michaelangelo mural that includes a nude figure: He painted Eve as God created her: nude. And when…



February 15, 2005

It had to happen sooner or later. Technology similiar to that found in projects like Grafedia and YellowArrow will now be used to the buff’s advantage. Mirroring the interactive and…

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