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Street Books

Street Books

September 21, 2012

I’m so inspired by this project taking place in Portland, Oregon. Street Books is a bicycle-powered mobile library for people living outside. It is bicycle with a built in cart…

Rad Graphics from Idinthakarai

Rad Graphics from Idinthakarai

September 21, 2012

A new friend here in Toronto, Ponni, shared some amazing political graphics by Aarti Sunder, criticizing the government’s use of the charge of Sedition to silence over 6,000 anti-nuclear activists…

RIP Chris Marker

RIP Chris Marker

July 31, 2012

French filmmaker and troublemaker Chris Marker died yesterday at the age of 91. If you haven’t seen his film Grin Without a Cat, put it on the top of your…

Licking Your Elbow

Licking Your Elbow

July 19, 2012

A couple weeks back I read an interesting story in the New York Times, about a nascent protest movement in Sudan, inspired by Tahrir Square and Occupy, and struggling against…

It’s a Trap!

It’s a Trap!

July 13, 2012

I recently finished reading a book called “Built by Animals”, by Mike Hansell, published by the Oxford University Press. It’s a quick read, but quite full of fascinating things to…

Seeing Red

Seeing Red

July 11, 2012

The Red Square is the symbol of Maple Spring and the student movement currently happening in Quebec. Justseeds comrade Cindy Milstein has an obsession with documenting the red squares of…

Love Kotti, Hate Rent

Love Kotti, Hate Rent

June 6, 2012

My friend Sandy K., who is regularly producing inspiring work at his design firm Image-Shift, has jumped into a more embodied form of organizing with his neighbors, and they have…

IVAW NATO/G8 demo photos

IVAW NATO/G8 demo photos

May 23, 2012

Greg Miller has posted some incredible photos of the NATO/G8 protests in Chicago and the IVAW-led demo where veterans returned their medals. To see more photos from the action, click…

Ecole de la Montagne Rouge

Ecole de la Montagne Rouge

May 20, 2012

Ecole de la Montagne Rouge (School for Red Mountain) is a group of graphic design students producing work for the student strikes currently happening in Montreal. Their designs and methods…



May 3, 2012

A stunning short film documenting the movement in Barcelona. Take a couple minutes and give it a view. “And we continue…”