Rad Teen Print of the Week 29: Pulling Out
This week’s silkscreen print is by Ella, for Planned Parenthood of Western PA. Planned Parenthood is using this series of posters by Power Up in their youth education programs.
This week’s silkscreen print is by Ella, for Planned Parenthood of Western PA. Planned Parenthood is using this series of posters by Power Up in their youth education programs.
This week’s silkscreen print is by Lauren, in response to a presentation on healthy eating by Kimberly Bracken of the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum and YMWAHA.
This weeks Rad Teen Print was created by Talonda, and printed as a group by Power Up as a thank you gift to all our wonderful partners in this round…
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry TEASER from Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry on Vimeo. To me Ai Weiwei defines courage. He defines the role of the artist as taking a leadership role…
For the past seven months I have been an artist in residence / teacher at the Burren College of Art on the West Coast of Ireland. Eileen Hutton is getting…
Rad Teen Print of the Week is back for 2012! I was looking through old entries and realized that I started off numbering them, and then stopped…after counting, I realized…
What an incredible two-week span in Chicago! First the news broke that two prisons in Illinois are shutting down, including the TAMMS prison that prison justice and human rights activists…
Dara Greenwald, February 27, 1971–January 9, 2012.
Here are a couple of interesting stories from the gorilla regions of central Africa: The Fossey Gorilla Fund, which operates a variety of active conservation efforts in Rwanda and DR…
For the past two months Wisconsin has been swept by recall fever. The recall movement was given 60 days to gather 540,208 valid signatures needed for an election to take…
Abigail Satinsky wrote a beautiful eulogy for Dara Greenwald for the Bad at Sports blog that speaks volumes about the impact that Dara’s work had on so many of us…
On Monday, the Justseeds family lost our dear friend and collective member Dara Greenwald who passed away from cancer at age forty. We cherish the memories of an incredible person…
Uh, the name kind of says it all. This is a collaborative drawing that Shaun and I made at the London Anarchist Bookfair, for a zine project that was supposed…
Our Hen House recently posted this short video interview with Sue Coe, wherein she discusses the powerful motivation behind her work. It’s part of their “Art of the Animal” series…
When my friend Katherine Ball was being interviewed by the Oregonian here in Portland during the Occupation this fall, she asked me to write up something to address the so-called…
Adam Curtis, the BBC filmmaker behind a series of amazing documentaries like The Power of Nightmares and Machines of Loving Grace, has a great entry on his blog this week….
On December 6th a group of over 1,000 went on a tour of East New York, Brooklyn, a neighborhood immensely affected by predator lending and foreclosures. It was a powerful…
This past Sunday Justseeds tabled prints at Milwaukee’s Public House – the best bar in the country. Why you might ask? Because the Public House is cooperatively owned and profits…
I’m enjoying the memes coming out of the Occupation movement. here’s one inspired by the UC Davis officer that used “less than lethal” weapons on students last week. More at…
Artist/activist Lane Hall has been reporting weekly on the labor struggles in Milwaukee and the efforts to recall Walker. Below is recent post on the Daily Kos by Hall on…