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April 8, 2016


(location unknown)  Troy, New York

Josh apparently sent this to me at some point within the last couple of years, but for whatever reason I never ended up posting it to this series! Found this image in a folder on my desktop last night. There are so many amazing things happening with this sign that I can’t stop looking at it…


DIYDPW is a (semi)weekly blog post highlighting global examples of Do It Yourself Department of Public Works projects. These are defined as any examples of municipal signage or infrastructure, generated by citizens outside of state-sanctioned means, that fulfill a perceived need in the area within which they are installed. I’d like to focus specifically on street signage and way-finding graphics, and I’d like to take contributions from our readers! Got a photo of a great handmade or otherwise DIY sign that fixes a problem the local municipality had otherwise overlooked? Send it my way. Email (include a web-ready image and location found) to DIYDPW at gmail dot com


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