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ASIAN AMERICAN NATIVE HAWAIIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER WOMEN ARTISTS UNITED Graphics package. This package contains 7 images by the above artists. You can download them here as a full package or individually in the graphics posted just before this one.

#Asians4BlackLives #AsianTransLivesMatter #WeBelongHere #AsiansBelongHere #RespectBelovedCommunity #AANHPIWomenArtists

Our major funding partner: 4Culture @kc4culture

Our community partners:
SCIDpda @scidpda
Wing Luke Museum @winglukemuseum

Special thanks:
Office of Arts and Culture @seaofficeofarts Girlie Press @girliepress
Justseeds @justseeds

Attribution – NonCommercial-ShareAlike


A black and white photograph of three young girls saluting and wearing 1940s-style dresses and hats. They are placed on a colorful background of purple, gold, and dark green fan shapes. Text below, in gold, states: “RESPECT BELOVED COMMUNITY.” In smaller text: “These three Japanese American girls pictured in their Brownie uniforms, spent their early childhood incarcerated in an American concentration camp without due process of law.”

Seven different portraits of women, in a black and white line drawing style, are interconnected by root-like lines and branches in blue and gold. Pink flowers hang from these interconnections. Gold text on the bottom states: “PROTECT EACH OTHER.”

Colorful quilt-like shapes frame a woman carrying her baby in a front baby carrier. She holds up a sign that states: “WE BELONG HERE” with text also in Vietnamese and Chinese.

A grandma sits with her grandchildren as she sews pieces of a beautiful, complex crazy quilt. Text below states: “BEAUTY OF US.”

A young person with shaved sides of their head and arm tattoos hugs their elder, perhaps their grandmother. Stars and a cosmos swirl around them. Text below states: “NO ONE LIKE YOU.”

A porcelain plate with soft delicate flowers frames a drawing of two women with interlocking arms. They wear traditional Asian-printed outfits. Text below states: “TOGETHER.”

A bowl with blue Asian flower motifs is full of noodles and meat. Shiny orange persimmons scatter the table. A framed picture of a grandmother gardening with her granddaughter is propped against a red cloud patterned background. The text, “PROTECT & SAVOR” is in gold below.