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Communities United for a Responsible Budget

Build Strong Communities Not Prisons and Jails! Poster for Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB). CURB is a broad-based coalition of over 70 organizations seeking to CURB prison spending by reducing the number of people in prison and the number of prisons in California. Learn more about their work here.


A montage of colorized photographs showing various actions. At the top, a crowd of Black and Brown young people raise their fists into the air, hold protest signs, and speak into a megaphone.  The words, “Build Strong Communities, not prisons and jails!” are placed above them in white against a light blue. Below, in another image, a young Black woman with long red hair is spray painting a picture on the ground. The words, “Freedom Fighter” is printed on an armband she wears. In another image, a young man with long black hair and tan skin speaks to a news team. He has an upside-down bucket strapped to him, presumably for adding percussion to a protest. Below, smaller text states, “The prison crisis in California is not over. People are organizing and fighting back!”

Reflections of Healing

Reflections of Healing

September 28, 2014

Join me at the Oakland Museum of California for the public unveiling of Reflections of Healing, a large-scale art installation created by artist and educator Brett Cook with participation from…