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Ethan Kreutzer Memorial

This image is from Celebrate People’s History/Iraq Veterans Against the War: Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice, a portfolio that celebrated IVAW’s first ten years and was produced by Justseeds, IVAW, Booklyn, Repetitive Press, and the Civilian Soldier Alliance.

(IVAW is now known as About Face: Veterans Against the War)


A dark brown line drawing portrait of a young man against a blue gray background. He stands with arms folded, looking at the viewer and wears an IVAW pin. A tall red flower is painted to his side. Text below states, “Ethan Kreutzer. Friend, veteran, lover, fighter, traveler, warrior, inspiration. 1985 – 2014. Ethan Kreutzer served in the Army from 2002 to 2004 and was deployed to Afghanistan. In 2009, he joined the Bay Area Chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War where he was an active member. Ethan left a lasting impression on everyone he came into contact with. However, he never stayed in one place for too long due to his wandering soul. Ethan tragically took his own life on October 30, 2014.”

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