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Okinawa Solidarity

Ash Kyrie

This image by Ash Kyrie is from Celebrate People’s History/Iraq Veterans Against the War: Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice, a portfolio that celebrated IVAW’s first ten years and was produced by Justseeds, IVAW, Booklyn, Repetitive Press, and the Civilian Soldier Alliance.

(IVAW is now known as About Face: Veterans Against the War)

Concerned Okinawans have occupied several construction towers outside Henoko in Oura Bay for over a decade. The U.S. Military attempted to expand Camp Schwab with a proposed runway and helicopter pad into Oura Bay on top of a coral reef and Okinawan Manatee (Dugong) habitat. Protesters set up a permanent camp in view of the construction site, obtaining water safety training, boat licenses, and scuba certification in order to safely occupy the construction towers. After 14 years, the occupation has stopped the expansion of the camp for so long that the steel used in the original construction towers rusted away and the towers had to be removed.

The U.S. Military will try again but the resistance to the U.S. occupation of Okinawa will continue.

オスプレイ | o-su-pu-re-i | Osprey

ミスプレイ | mi-su-pu-re-i | Miss-play

落ちプレイ | o-chi-pu-re-i | Crash-play (game)

The Japanese translates into a word play on the V-22 Osprey— Osprey, Miss-play, Crash-play (game). The Osprey is a U.S. Marine Corps tiltrotor aircraft with both vertical takeoff and landing, and short takeoff and landing capability. It is also known to have a high malfunction rate leading to crashes. The Osprey is stationed at bases throughout Okinawa.

Ash Kyrie is a Wisconsin Army National Guard veteran who served in Iraq, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, artist, activist, curator, and educator living and working in Argyle, WI.


A black and white line drawing features a half a dozen people, backs turned to the viewer, holding their raised hands in front of a tall barbed wire topped fence. Two other protesters hold a long pole. A small triangular white flag is planted on the barrier. Superimposed in red over this scene are the Japanese words mentioned in the above description: “オスプレイ, ミスプレイ, 落ちプレイ”. More very small text is written in the bottom left corner.

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