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Opportunity Agenda Graphics

Nina Montenegro










We’re pleased to be hosting these three images designed by colleague Nina Montenegro for Opportunity Agenda. Here’s what they have to say about them:

“We need a new story about the U.S. economy; a story that recognizes the economic insecurity faced by thousands of American families while also offering aspirational goals for a more equitable and just future. An important part of telling this story is envisioning the foundational values for true economic opportunity. We believe that art has the unique power to do this.

With this in mind, The Opportunity Agenda commissioned artist Nina Montenegro to create high-resolution, downloadable art that illustrate values that would allow for a prospering economy. The portfolio draws inspiration from the work of advocacy groups that are championing solutions to our unjust economy. Our hope is that these images will help social justice leaders in their economic opportunity work. These images are free, however the artist maintains the copyright and should be credited as such.  They are for non-commercial use only and may not be re-used or re-interpreted by for-profit ventures under any circumstances.

More about the artist: Nina Montenegro is a Chilean-American visual artist, illustrator, and designer.  Montenegro’s practice crosses disciplines to advocate for an ecologically-viable and socially-just future.  Her work has been featured in Orion, Art in America, The Guardian, Grist, and printed and distributed by publications worldwide.  She is co-founder and co-creative director of the design studio The Far Woods, located on an organic farm outside of Portland, Oregon.

For more information on The Opportunity Agenda and its cultural strategy work , contact Janelle Treibitz jtreibitz(@)


Image 1: A yellow, orange, and purple line drawing illustration of the U.S. Capitol Building with the sun setting behind. Rays of sunshine come out of the windows bathes the small people populating the stairs and grounds below.

Image 2: The letters in the words “SHARED DESTINY” are made of arms and hands which grasp each other, the colors of which are diverse skin colors, from tan, white, brown, dark brown, and black.

IMAGE 3: Multicolor, overlapping silhouettes of faces in profile speak in speech bubbles: “WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER.”

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