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Tara Murino-Brault

Graphic by Portland-based printmaker Tara Murino-Brault.


This graphic is free for people to use on flyers, posters, banners, t-shirts, and websites, but we ask that you send us what you use our graphics on, or photos of them in use! The artist maintains the copyright to this work, and it can not be re-used or re-interpreted by for-profit or non-profit ventures INCLUDING FOR FUNDRAISING under any circumstances WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE ARTIST. If you want to get in touch with the artist to inquire about licensing this image please email


The word, “RESISTANCE!” is curved at the top, arcing over the backwards-S shape of a snake. A stylized hand grabs the snake in a fist. The snake is also cut into pieces, although it maintains its form, a symbol of the fight against oil pipelines. The snake and the hand are adorned with beautiful patterns, stars, roses.

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