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Support Your Troops

Chris May

This image is from Celebrate People’s History/Iraq Veterans Against the War: Ten Years of Fighting for Peace and Justice, a portfolio that celebrated IVAW’s first ten years and was produced by Justseeds, IVAW, Booklyn, Repetitive Press, and the Civilian Soldier Alliance.

(IVAW is now known as About Face: Veterans Against the War)

Chris May is a U.S. Army veteran and conscientious objector, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, artist, and activist living and working in Asheville, NC.


Against a gradient of blue to green to yellow, a silkscreened image in black shows a young man with tan skin and short hair smiling out at the viewer. He holds up a book, zine, or pamphlet that states, “Soldiers in Revolt”. Behind him, partially obscured in large lettering, it states, “Support Your Troops”.

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