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Homes are not hotels

A graphic made in response to the commodification of housing in my community. I modified my original design to suit the campaign of the organization For the Many, who is currently organizing around the issue of housing and how vacation rentals are impacting the economy and availability of this necessity. The use of domiciles for short term rentals have drastically reduced the inventory of housing for people attempting to make a home and live in community. This is beyond the loss of “affordable” housing for working folks, but the inability for people to procure the basic necessity of life, leading to labor shortages and displacement.

You can support their work by purchasing an 11″x 17″ copy of the poster directly from them in their store. Or you could download here, print out and display publicly to show your solidarity.

Poster designed using the hand drawn font, Rise Up, by Josh MacPhee, from the Justseeds Open Type Project. It is available in the Justseeds font pack 3 for non-commercial use!


Three blue houses made in a cut-out style are in the center of this graphic while a large, upwards-pointing, red arrow is in the background. The black, blocky text above states: “THERE IS A HOUSING CRISIS IN THE HUDSON VALLEY,” “BAN VACATION RENTALS,” and below: “HOMES ARE NOT HOTELS.”



February 16, 2023

Handmade sign made of different colored tape providing directions away from a residential area to state roads.



August 27, 2022

DO NOT DRIVE ON SIDEWALK. Portland, OR. August 2022. Thanks to Roger Peet for this contribution to the DIYDPW series! DIYDPW is a frequent, irregular blog post highlighting global examples…



July 6, 2022

DEAD END. Walkill, NY. June 2022. Someone installed this in hopes people wouldn’t turn down their short road that has no outlet forcing vehicles to make a u turn in…