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We Don’t Want Peace, We Want Victory!

Amor y Resistencia

This graphic is part of Justseeds’ 2010 print portfolio Resourced.


Against an orange background with white repeating symbols, are the words: “We don’t want peace, we want victory! Marrichiweu: ‘Ten times we will win.’ The Mapuche people have resisted colonialism, repression and eviction for over 500 years. The current threat that the Mapuche face is from logging companies, and multi-nationals such as Barrick Gold and Santander Bank, who are responsible for spreading environmental destruction throughout Mapuche territory. Continuing their centuries long tradition, the Mapuche will continue to fight!” Below is a delicate line drawing of a person wearing a black shirt and putting on a scarf, or pasamontañas, around their face. Below, “Marrichiweu.”

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