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You Can’t Bomb The Future v.2

Every day I see another face that haunts me; a father holding his dead infant, a mother bereft, a child looking out of the phone and straight through my soul. The barbarity of the Israeli assault on Gaza is harrowing me in a way that other wars haven’t- but each of those faces shows very clearly that the effort that the empire is putting into this will all be lost: because you can bomb bakeries, hospitals, schools, mosques, families and children but you cannot bomb the future. Free Palestine.

Alternate version here.

Single color PNG ready to screenprint or riso-print, or just for photocopy.


A young child’s head and shoulders are drawn with thick black lines. His face is downcast, serious. Behind him, a pattern plumes of smoke in gray radiate upwards from a scene of destruction and burning buildings. Above him, black text in a handmade, angular font, states, “You can’t bomb the future.” Below, it states, “FREE PALESTINE.”

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