I’m excited to finally have completed the first car for my upcoming Green Mini Demo Derby. I have sponsors that will have their own hand painted cars. After many tests, I have been building all the bodies out of wood and aluminum flashing, and on inspection you can see this one has already had a few repairs after testing. This car is sposored by Midwest Photovoltaics.
You can follow the project progress here
A short description of the project:
The Green Mini Demo Derby includes a mobile solar electric power generator that fuels a demolition derby made up of remote control cars. Businesses have sponsored race teams, with each team having their own driver, car, and uniform. The cars have customized wood bodies, and will compete on a plywood course. There will be multiple heats of between 4 and 6 cars, with the winners of each heat competing in a final race for the trophy. These competitions will occur over the course of the Mary Nohl exhibition at Inova, Milwaukee, with the cars being displayed on pedestals as they transform.
<Originally posted by Justseeds coop member Colin Matthes. Colin quit Justseeds in 2018, his work can now be found at https://colinmatthes.com/>