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Close Rikers/No New Jails


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I've been doing design, art, and general cultural work for the campaign to Close Rikers Island (the countries most notorious jail complex) and the auxiliary demand for pre-trial justice. This is just a quick poster I printed up for free distribution around New York City.

I printed a small number of these on nice paper as part of an ongoing project/experiment. With the risograph you can print lots of flyers and posters very cheaply and quickly, but ultimately ink, paper, etc. still costs money. So I'm trying to make small editions of slightly nicer versions to sell here, in the hopes that if I can sell 20 prints for $10/each (for example), that will pay for the ability to print 500 other copies and give them away for free (as well as put the image up on Justseeds free graphics download page. So if you like this print, please buy one, and help me print and distribute lots more! And thanks!

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