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Dream Up Your Place in Liberation


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Amidst attacks on our access to information, bodily autonomy, keeping families together, housing, affordable healthcare, and the list goes ON—I find solace in knowing that they can never take away our ability to dream. Our ability to dream up and craft our role in this ongoing struggle for liberation is such a tangible thing we can do right now to counter all of the ugly we’re up against.

We need more disrupters, more builders, more storytellers, more healers, and more roles that don’t have titles but are equally as vital as the others. Try something, and if the thing doesn’t work out for you, that’s just part of the process—it leads you to something else that could be the special thing you are able to offer towards our collective fight.

Comes in two color options: Green (left) or purple (right)

two relief prints in two different colors, green on the left and purple on the right.