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Keep Loving Keep Fighting



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This is the third edition of this design, printed by Jesse Purcell at Repetitive Press. It is a variable edition with a split fountain background making each print unique. Several of the variations can be seen below!

Inspired by a block print I saw over 17 years ago by Dalia Shevin. Dalia happens to be in my friend network, but I only learned recently that she had made an oft-reused linoleum print design with the powerful statement “Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of Your Fist. Keep Loving Keep Fighting”. Dalia’s print constantly reminded me to keep struggling for what I’m passionate about. I hope my iteration can do the same for you.

This design was originally created for the Justseeds Community Supported Art program for 2016. Subscriptions for 2019 will be available for purchase at the end of Fall 2018.



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