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Projecte Uter

Carles García O’Dowd & Tonina Matamalas


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Giant narrative poster about reproductive rights from our comrades Carles García O’Dowd and Tonina Matamalas two artists originally from Mallorca, Spain currently based in New York and Berlin respectively.

An intricate image that maps out the forces that operate when it comes to deciding over our bodies. Designed to trigger conversation and debate about pregnancy interruption through visual metaphors and on-site oral storytelling.

Presented in more than 15 countries in museums, libraries, community centers and art festivals.

Download the narrative zine about the poster here (printable version) or here (online version)

More information on the project here

Seattle’s International Working Women’s Day for Palestine and Beyond

Seattle’s International Working Women’s Day for Palestine and Beyond

March 12, 2024

“We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian siblings in Gaza and those among our community who are directly and indirectly affected by the current war and genocide by the Israeli settler-colonial regime. Passive observation of the horrors of bombings, genocide, and prolonged apartheid is not our way. We must rise and firmly proclaim that Palestinian Liberation is a Feminist Imperative.” – Feminists for Jina Seattle